"I'm not registered to vote, and my permanent address is not in Virginia."
You can register either in Charlottesville or at your permanent address.
Here are some ways to think about where to register.
Register in Charlottesville because...
  • Charlottesville is in a competitive Congressional district
  • Virginia is a swing state
  • It may be easier for you to vote here rather than travel elsewhere to vote or vote by mail
Or, register at your permanent address if these are both true:
#1) Your permanent address is in a swing state. These states have a >1% likelihood to swing the presidential election, according to data analysts at FiveThirtyEight: Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska's 2nd District, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia, and Wisconsin.

#2) You are confident you will be able to vote by mail, or you know you can easily vote in person at your permanent address. See your state's policy on mail-in voting here.
  • Be aware: If UVA sends students home due to COVID-19, the Post Office will not be able to forward any mail-in ballots to another address. If you are worried about this, consider registering in Charlottesville instead.
    Do you want to register in Charlottesville or at your permanent address?
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